Crescent Heights High School 2024 Tournament: 60 participants attended from Junior High to High School
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Are you an educator, parent, student or principal?
Looking for a way to get your school more involved in chess? We run two chess tournaments for Calgary schools throughout the year. We usually have a tournament in the north and south. These tournaments have over $300 (including our school prizes). Feel free to join our mailing list for school-related event updates. There is no harm in joining, and you can always be removed after if you would like.
Upcoming Tournaments: November 2024, April 2025
FAQ: Frequently Asked Quetions
1. Is there a fee to join the tournament?
We do charge a $10-12 fee per player to enter the tournament. The fee is used to help fund the tournament expenses including snacks and drinks, as well as, prizes that we have to give out. All additional funds are used to support our mission of making chess more accessible.
2. What grades can enter?
We allow Grades 4-12, as well as, exceptions are made for Grade 3 students sometimes. We have two sections, Junior Section (4-8), and Senior Section (9-12).
3. How do I win a prize?
We have prizes for the top 3 students in each section of up to $150 or more. We also have a school prize which is often a custom chess set or trophy.
4. How do I register?
You can register via our individual student sign up form or if you know your school is coming, you can also sign up through them. If you are unsure if your school is attending, you can still sign up via the individual form. Registration will usually open up 3 weeks prior to the start of the tournament date.
5. What is the time format?
The time format is usually 6-7 rounds for 10 I 0 (meaning 10 minutes per player). We usually stick to this because it gives enough time for players to think.